Friday, October 8, 2010

Funny and Cool Egg Pictures

hey egg lovers, i came across some funny egg pictures to make your day, and a little caption for each. please take a look and enjoy the creative side of EGGS!

 i admire this photo, it shows a brown egg in the area of all these white eggs, and reflects the artist expression on how these white eggs feel with the new kid in town. such a creative piece of work with a simple concept.
 this picture i find quite cute, with the egg yolk representing a baby inside the egg shell in which it copies a pram. how creative is that! all simple elements with nothing fancy can turn into such a powerful picture with cuteness
 this picture made me laugh, how cool is it that the artist can really show that an egg is going through a hangover with all these egg yolks, by breaking the egg and drawing a facial expression of pain! haha
 this picture made me grin, such an adult humor in which the spoons symbolize sperm, and the egg symbolizes... well the egg! such irony and creativity haha
 in this picture, it really captures the emotion of the eggs with its artistic facial expression, and it feels somewhat true. when i cook my eggs in the frying pan, now i can realize how the next group of eggs will feel
 this is probably one of the most artistic pictures i have seen, a sunny side up egg on a sunflower! using the egg whites as the flower pedals and the yolk as the sunflower seed, it really makes the flower look natural. and even the pot that the flower is in is an egg. such creativity
this picture actually made me laugh! such skill in a comical picture, where the white egg on the right is offering the female egg an umbrella so she doesn't get fried by the sun, like the egg on the left! how funny!

hope you enjoy all these egg related pictures! get out there and make some of your own!

brought to you by Mitchell. C

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