Wednesday, September 22, 2010

These jokes will crack you up...

Greetings egg lovers, heres a couple of egg related jokes to make your day!.. just make sure you dont crack up...get it?  lol

1. Why didn't the egg draw a straight line?
- because his ideas were...scrambled!

2. Why did the egg cross the street?
- to get to the... egg station!

3. Why couldn't the eggs go out on a hot day?
- because they were afraid to get.... fried!

4. What part did the egg play in the movie?
- he was the... egg-stra!

5. What days do eggs hate the most?
- they hate... Fry-days!

6. Why was the little girl sad after the race?
- because an egg.... beat her!

7. Why couldn't the eggs go out at night?
- because they didn't want to get... beat up!

8. What sport are eggs good at?
- running!

9. What kind of eggs live by the sea?
- an... egg shell!

10. What do chickens grow on?
- they grow on...egg plants!

to finish off, here is a funny egg prank video off youtube to seriously crack you up:

thank you everyone, hope you have an egg-tastic day.
by: Mitchell Cruz

1 comment:

  1. How do you crack an egg up?
    Tell it a knock knock joke :)
