Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Bacon & Egg Pies

Ever since the first chicken laid the first egg many millenia ago, humans have been eating eggs as a source of immense sustenance and flavour.
Things have not changed much in the 21st Century and we still love eating our eggs more than ever.
This recipe for Bacon & Egg Pies is perfect for a garden lunch party or for the kids to devour after Saturday Sport.


  • 4 slices middle cut bacon, rind removed
  • 4 slices thin white or wholemeal bread
  • Softened butter
  • 8 eggs
  • 4 tomato slices (optional)
  • Salt and pepper

1 Heat the oven to 200ºC.

2 Separate the eye and tail strip of each piece of bacon. Finely dice eye bacon and set aside.

3 Butter one side of each piece of bread, and use a cookie cutter to cut round pieces slightly larger than the bottoms of large (1 cup) muffin pans. Press bread buttered side down into each pan.

4 Wrap a tail strip of bacon around the inside of each muffin pan to form a lining.

5 Break 2 eggs into each pan and prick the yolks with a skewer. Season lightly with pepper and place a slice of tomato, if using, on each.

6 Scatter on the diced bacon and place in the oven to bake for 10 minutes.

7 Reduce heat to 170º C and bake for a further 18-20 minutes, until eggs are cooked and bacon crisp. Gently loosen pies from the muffin pans and lift onto plates. 

Serves four.

By Daniel "Egg-Mania" Kim

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